
The Edu Experiment

Experimenting my way to becoming a better Educator

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Lessons learnt… future practice

And just like that, the ONL202 course has come to an end. When I think back over the weeks of new topic introductions, recommended readings and PBL group discussions, a couple of reflections and observations come to mind. First, the range of emotions experienced from the start to the end of the course.  This began…

Design for Online & Blended Learning

The article Designing a Community of Inquiry in Online Courses (Fiock, H (2020) The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 21(1), 135-153) has been instructive to me. Terminology wise, as set out in the article, “social presence is a theory that explains the ability of people to present themselves as ‘real people’…

Learning in Communities

Initially, I was hard pressed to think of a personal (non ONL) occasion of collaborative learning that moved my own thinking forward. Perhaps because I was hung up on the “learning” aspect and was therefore considering only occasions where I am wearing a “student” hat, which is inevitably more restrictive. If I take a more…

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